Lavender Candles

Lavender Candles


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Keep one on your reading table as a soothing companion through your travels of fictional worlds, or surround your hot bath with dozens of candles, luxuriating in light and scent and warmth — either one sounds good always.

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Product Description

Our conveniently sized lavender candles are infused with the namesake essential oil to ensure both soft light and a calming aroma. This attractive purple pocket candle can also add a delightful extra detail at any soiree, celebration, or quiet night at home. Or they make great wedding guests party favors. Available individually or by the dozen, the dozen come wrapped in an elegant black box and purple ribbon that makes an ideal gift to any.

If you want to take your the relaxation experience to yet another level, add a Relaxing Bath Tablet to your bathwater while these candles softly burn. We also have a Lavender Body Cream that nicely wraps the pampering evening up, or we have the Towel Headband available that makes a personable gift — perfect for teams or groups parties.

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