When you find yourself with some extra time, think about dropping a small note in the mail to a loved one expressing just simple I’m thinking of you.
Product Description
On textured thick paper, the cover simply states what’s on your mind; and what else can you say? They’re so awesome you just think about them sometimes and all the small things you love; already your lovely recipient has a puzzled but burgeoning smile emerging from their lips. Inside, there is a small note continuing from the front cover’s writing, but leaves you more than enough room to add a personal note of your own inside. It could be for a friend, loved one, family member, or simply something written and distributed to bring a smile to someone”s face. Our cards make it easy for anyone to write something to anyone, with a smile on your face from the moment you open the card.
SET OF: Sold Individually
MATERIAL: Textured core-died card stock
NOTE: Handmade by Goodwill and artists with special needs; Made in USA