• Made with the highest quality peaches, this Peach Jam is full of flavor and is truly delicious. The vine peach was a Victorian era delicacy, and thanks to traditional processes, it still is today. Enjoy this culinary delight, by mixing it in with yogurt, and spreading it on toast or shortbread cookies.
  •  Created with the best ingredients and no preservatives or additives, this jam is something you can feel good about eating. This jam has the flavor and texture to stand up on its own, with fresh pears, apricots, and a touch of honey. Add this delectable jam to toast, pastries, croissants, or cookies.
  • Made using only the highest quality ingredients and traditional methods, this Black Cherry Jam tastes heavenly. With no additives or preservatives, you can feel good about eating this jam right out of the jar. This rich black cherry jam can be used on toast, shortbread cookies, or as a topping for cheesecake.
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