Product Description
The goal of any dinner is to entertain, of course, but there are those times when the aim is to impress, pure and simple. The guests of honor might be business contacts you’re trying to woo, potential donors to a favorite charity of yours, the parents of your child’s significant other whom you’re meeting for the first time—even your dearest friends for whom you’ve decided to put on a memorable dress-up evening. For occasions such as these, our Natural Atlas Monogrammed Dinner Napkin Box Set is the ideal choice. Delicately toned and finely embroidered, they suit an old-fashioned table dressing as well as they do a layout that’s the last word in chic modernism. Hemstitched out of dress-quality linen, they’re surprisingly durable, and like all linens they have the virtue of softening with every wash. Your initial on each, distinctive but subtle, flatters your guests with the knowledge they’re being treated with an heirloom piece of table furnishing. The box they come in keeps them protected and properly folded for use in your house; it also makes an exceptionally beautiful gift case for the lucky newlyweds who receive it.
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